Private Lessons
Private Lessons are offered through the band program and are available to every band student. The private lesson staff includes degreed educators that are handpicked by the directors and background checked by Argyle ISD.
Individual instruction is extremely beneficial due to the one-on-one teaching environment. The private teacher is able to design a program that meets each individual student's needs, allowing each student to progress at his/her own rate of ability. Professional teachers on each instrument will be available to teach these lessons during band class & before or after school.
Especially in our larger classes, the one-on-one instruction your students will get in private lessons is extremely beneficial to building their skills. Much of the individual success throughout the Argyle Band Program can be attributed to the private lesson program and the superior private lesson staff. The high number of students enrolled in the private lesson program in the Argyle Band has allowed a high standard of performance to be maintained. Supplemental lessons are are strongly recommended.
We look forward to having your student involved in the private lesson program!
Private Lessons FAQ:
Why should we enroll in private lessons?
Enrolling in private lessons is the biggest predictor of a student's musical success. Students can get individually tailored instruction to address their individual needs.
Aren't private lessons just for Students who are struggling?
On the contrary, private lessons are great for ALL students who want to get the most out of their music education. Students who are struggling can get additional help, students who are achieving at a high level can move at a faster rate, and students somewhere in the middle can really excel!
When do private lessons happen?
The majority of private lessons will happen during your student's normal band class, but lessons can also be scheduled before and after school or, on a very limited basis, during advisory/eagle time. Private lessons during school and during advisory/eagle time are on a first-come-first-serve basis.
Shouldn't we avoid having lessons during band, though?
No! The individual attention your student will receive will be incredibly beneficial to their progress! In addition, we are in constant communication with our lesson teachers so that they can reinforce concepts that are being introduced in class, and often take those concepts to the next level!
How long does a lesson last?
Students taking lessons during class will have half a class period (Approximately 25 minutes). Students taking lessons before/after school will have 30 minute lessons. You also have the option of enrolling students in a double lesson (The entire class period, or 60 minutes) on a limited basis.
How much do private lessons cost?
Each lesson costs $25, whether it's before school, after school, or during class. Private lesson scholarships are available on a limited as-needed basis. To apply for a private lesson scholarship, please click here and fill out the form.
How do we sign up?
Private lesson enrollment happens at the start of the year when we do our band registration, but you can always email one of the band directors or your and tell us you want to start lessons with your students and we can get you set up. Alternatively, our private lesson teachers and their emails are listed below if you'd like to email them yourself and get started in private lessons.
Private lesson teachers:

Dr. Sara Raviotta
Oberlin Conservatory of Music
Bachelor of Music in Flute Performance
Louisiana State University
Master of Music in Flute Performance
The University of North Texas
Doctor of Musical Arts in Flute Performance

Lynne Hudson
Ithaca College
Bachelor of Music Education
University of North Texas
Master of Music in Music Performance

Lauren Nguyen
The University of North Texas
Bachelor of Music in Bassoon Performance
Master of Music in Bassoon Performance

Alex Yeselson
Leningrad Conservatory
Rimsky-Korsakov School of Music
Manhattan School of Music
Bachelor of Music in Clarinet Performance
Master of Music in Clarinet Performance

Eric Giles
Columbus State University
Bachelor of Music Performance
UMKC Conservatory
Master of Oboe Performance
University of North Texas
Doctorate of Music in Oboe Performance
(in progress)

Benjamin Facundo
Southern Arkansas University
Bachelor of Music Education
The University of Wyoming
Master of Music in Saxophone Performance
The University of North Texas
Doctorate of Music in Saxophone Performance
(in progress)

Elizabeth Lentz
The University of North Texas
Bachelor of Music Education

French Horn
Janet Doherty
West Texas A&M University
Bachelor of Music Education

Ramsey MacDonald
Southern Methodist University
Bachelor of Arts in Music Education
Performance Certificate

Reese MacDonald
University of Houston
Bachelor of Music
San Francisco Conservatory of Music
Master's in Trombone Performance
Ron Von Dreau
Eastman School of Music
Bachelor of Tuba Performance
University of Colorado, Boulder
Master in Tuba Performance
Jim Boulet
University of Texas in Arlington
Bachelor of Music Education